Vrijheid, gelijkheid en filantropie op EFC jaarvergadering

Vrijheid, gelijkheid en filantropie op EFC jaarvergadering
Vrijheid, gelijkheid en filantropie op EFC jaarvergadering
28 February 2019

The 2019 EFC AGA and Conference will take place from 22-24 May in Paris, under the title “Liberté, égalité, philanthropie”.

“Liberté, égalité, fraternité!”: who isn’t familiar with the French national motto which finds its roots in the Revolution of 1789 but is still considered the rallying call for freedom, equality and solidarity around the world today?

Yet despite their universal nature and appeal, these three ideals are not (yet) fully realised: they continue to represent aims rather than achievements due to an array of critical and constantly evolving challenges.

Bearing this in mind:

  • How can European foundations respond to the migration crisis as a challenge to freedom of movement and an indicator of global inequalities?
  • How do we address the threats to freedom of speech and freedom of the press in an age of fake news and post-truth politics?
  • Thirty years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, how can foundations promote human rights in Europe?
  • How can foundations encourage new forms of solidarity and inclusion?
Bron: European Foundation Centre
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