The Giving Pledge explained

Warren Buffet en Bill Gates
Warren Buffet en Bill Gates
15 July 2019
Nieuws | | Filantropen

Tien jaar geleden gonsde het in New York van de geruchten: miljardairs Bill Gates en Warren Buffet zouden een privédiner hebben georganiseerd voor de megarijken. David Rockefeller, Michael Bloomberg en Oprah Winfrey zouden zijn uitgenodigd en alles was supergeheim. Pas een jaar later werd duidelijk wat er bekokstoofd was: Gates en Buffet hadden hun medemiljardairs opgeroepen ook een deel van hun vermogen aan filantropie te besteden. Vox blikt terug.
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In 2010, the two of them launched a campaign that they hoped would change philanthropy: the Giving Pledge. The idea was to persuade their fellow billionaires to pledge at least 50 percent of their wealth to charity. It was greeted with enthusiasm. “Society cannot help but be a beneficiary here, by virtue of at least some dollars and perhaps many,” concluded a thoroughly reported piece in Fortune on the secret meetings that produced the Giving Pledge.
That claim seems to have been borne out — as far as it goes. Ten years later, we are in a position to evaluate some of the effects of the Giving Pledge. Hundreds of billionaires have signed on, with Bloomberg and other big names like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Mackenzie Bezos among them. More than $500 billion have been pledged, and money is already being donated to a range of causes.

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