Europese fondsen reageren op demonstraties in Oekraïne

Europese fondsen reageren op demonstraties in Oekraïne
Europese fondsen reageren op demonstraties in Oekraïne
28 January 2014
Nieuws | | Vermogensfondsen

In een gezamenlijke reactie van de European Foundation Centre (EFC) en Donors and Foundations Networks in Europe (DAFNE) geven Europese fondsen aan geschokt te zijn over de doden onder de demonstranten in Oekraïne.

‘We would like to express our deepest sympathy to the victims who have lost their lives or suffered injury during yesterday’s violent clashes with police following weeks of peaceful demonstration for basic civil rights. Our thoughts are with all the people of Ukraine, especially those who have suffered personal loss or who have been harmed trying to ensure the rights of assembly, freedom of expression and media. Like the people of Ukraine, we are deeply concerned about the recent legislative developments which provoked the peaceful protests of Ukrainian citizens defending their civil rights. We urge the Government of Ukraine to immediately repeal Bill 3879 as, not only has this legislation resulted in violence and bloodshed, it violates European and international human rights and legislation’, Aldus de organisaties.

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