EFC: Massimo Lapucci, EFC Chair and ”Putting a foot in Europe’s closing doors”

Massimo Lapucci: Putting a foot in Europe’s closing doors
Massimo Lapucci: Putting a foot in Europe’s closing doors
9 March 2019
Nieuws | | Internationale filantropie

'Massimo Lapucci, the EFC Chair since 2017, and Secretary General of Fondazione CRT, has written an article for Alliance magazine titled ”Putting a foot in Europe’s closing doors”, that seeks to outline the shrinking of civic space in Europe and the reactions of the philanthropic sector, reported European Foundation Centre EFC.
The article discusses:
  •     negative trends for civic society such as restrictions on foreign funding, the impact of counter-terrorism and money laundering legislation and excessive interference by public bodies
  •     positive trends for civic society such as the call for the Single Market for Philanthropy, the upcoming launch of the Philanthropy Manifesto and the launch of Civitates, a consortium of foundations upholding democratic values in Europe, initiatives supported and facilitated by the work of networks such as the European Democracy network and Grantmakers East Forum
  •     philanthropy’s contribution towards maintaining the infrastructure of civic space in Europe

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